December 16, 2010

A little bit more

The lovely and talented Esther posted the rest of our family session on her blog.  You can check it out here.  Aren't the ones of Carter to die for?

December 10, 2010

whoa now...

Ok, I think December might be a record breaking month for me.  It's only the 10th and already 4 posts!  I have been pretty cooped up with the flu this week OR maybe I just have a little too much time on my hands.  Anywho, I couldn't NOT share the link to these photo's.  These, along with our family photo's, were taken by my friend Esther last weekend.  Check out the rest of her blog and you'll see how talented and what a fabulous photographer she is!  

P.S. These two munchkins melt my heart!

December 9, 2010


OK, I've looked at a couple people's blogs lately that have done this whole 15 day thing.  That would definitely be too much effort BUT I really have enjoyed reading there 1st days assignment of 15 random things about themselves.  Even though writing 15 things about myself seems a little narcissistic, here she be:

1.  I've visited every province except for Manitoba.  Newfoundland was AMAZING and I would love to go back again someday.  No Territories.... yet.
2.  I played the Tuba in high school band and loved it.  It was an over sized one and I had to set it on a piano bench beside me and sit on a phone book to reach the mouth piece.  We marched as a band in our local town's parade and I had to march with a sousaphone.  Friends of mine that weren't in band would follow me along the parade route and try to throw things inside the horn. (I prayed for rain every year). 
3.  One of my favourite things to do is swim, even though I'm not very good at it.  There is nothing better to me than diving into a lake on a hot summers day.  I made Mike take and adult swimming class with me last year (before we had Carter) and it was good times.
4.  My sister and I are are really one mind split into two different bodies.  Our sense of humour is pretty much exactly the same and I love it because she always laughs at my jokes (even if no one else does!)
5.  I've never lived outside of Alberta.  I feel like I could live anywhere for a while ...  other than Ontario.
6.  I'm a total rule follower, Mike isn't at all, sometimes this results in conflict.
7.  When I was little I wanted to be a park ranger when I grew up,  maybe that's just because I grew up on the bald prairie.
8.  I absolutely love the bald prairie.
9.  On my 11th birthday, my sister and two cousins and I were detained by mall security for supposedly trying to steal a bra (I don't think I even wore one yet).  We all balled like babies while he interrogated us, other than my sister who yelled at him for being ridiculous.  Mall security guards make me a little nervous to this day.
10.  If I had to eat one food group for the rest of my life it would be dairy.  Cheese and ice cream are probably my two favourite foods in the world (but not together).
11.  I love going to movies, or just even watching them at home.  BUT only if they have a happy ending.  I get mad at Mike if he makes me go to a show or rents a movie that doesn't end happily.
12.  I've been a Type 1 diabetic since I was 9 years old and have worn a diabetic pump for just over 3 years.  I usually just stick it in my pocket but on Sunday when I wear a dress or skirt I have to strap it around my thigh like you would a gun.  It's fallen out a couple of times which is usually quite awkward and little bit embarrassing.
13.  If I won the lottery (which likely won't happen as I don't buy tickets), I would use the money to travel the world and buy a cabin on Lake Pend Oreille in Idaho.
14.  I've served in the primary of our church for 4 out of the 5 years that Mike and I have been married.  I LOVE the primary, I find it much more entertaining than Sunday school.
15.  I make really good chocolate chip cookies!

Wow, that took a lot longer than I thought it would.  I probably wouldn't post this except for the fact that I don't want that last hour to be a complete waste.  Oh and here's a picture because what is a post without one.  Isn't he too cute for words!?

December 5, 2010

A year ago today....

.... this picture was taken.

I honestly did enjoy being pregnant but I do have to say I'm much more excited for Christmas this year with Carter on the outside rather than the inside :)

P.S.  This is only at 33 weeks - craziness!

December 1, 2010

Look what I can do!

11 months old today!

November 26, 2010

Claiming his Territory...

.... as King of the couch.

November 13, 2010

My Very Own Scientist


Mike's convocation for his Masters of Science was Friday morning and even though I've been warned they are long and boring I was excited to go.  We didn't attend his undergrads and we missed mine due to a car accident.  It was LONG but definitely didn't bore me.  I anxiously waited on the edge of my seat until they called Mike's name and he walked across the stage so I could clap obnoxiously and give a WOOT WOOT from the crowd.  I won't say too much because I know Mike hates the attention but I feel pretty impressed with all that he has accomplished as of late.  The past year has been pretty stressful around the Balderson household.  Mike though has been able to successfully write and defend his thesis, undertake (and complete a lot of) a major house renovation, care for his new born son, and do this all while trying to keep his disgruntled wife happy.  Love you Mike, and I can't wait to be obnoxious again at your convocation for your doctorate!

November 8, 2010

A Good Weekend

Time spent with family is the best. This past weekend my big brother Trevor came up for a visit. We made a trip to the farmers market, had a birthday dinner for Jules, and did a lot of playing and visiting. If you can't tell from the pictures Carter ADORED Trev. Just for the record so do I. He really is one the kindest and most giving people I know. Plus he can fix ANYTHING - handy to have someone like that in the family!
P.S. Sunday afternoon naps are the BEST.

November 1, 2010

Halloween Plus Good Eats

Carter Boy looked like a stud in his little sharky shark Halloween costume. He loved the ward trunk or treat, mostly to scream in excitement at the other kids. On Sunday we put the kiddo in his costume again and visited a friend up in Kensington. There were some totally old decked out houses up in there neighborhood and we had fun just walking around with Carter on Mike's shoulders. I LOVE people who go all out for Halloween (a little dissapointed in myself for not putting more effort into it this year but there is always next!).

Looking good in his cute Halloween shirt from his sweet Aunt

Family picture on the the fly in front of our friends house
On a side note Carter is a little sneaky sneak when it comes to getting into things. Both these pictures below are from today.
Opened the fridge for a second and turned my back, next thing I know he had taken a full bite out of a tomato!
We had friends over for dinner. Things seemed a little quiet and I opened up the pantry to find this. Carter just sitting in the dark eating chocolate chips! Don't worry, he was just picking them up one by one putting them in his mouth! He was pretty dissapointed when I picked him up!

October 18, 2010


I love Thanksgiving. The food, the family, the time of year, the memories. This year was no exception. I'm thankful we we're able to get together with family and have a great weekend. (I'm also thankful no one was injured in the moving of the piano from the basement upstairs, so it can come to my home in Calgary. Thank-you again men of my family! I would have pictures of this amazing feat but I was warned they would would drop it in the middle of the staircase if I attempted)

October 10, 2010

Have you heard of .....

Well, you may have guessed it already if you've been to our home, but that roof is ours! They gave us the official call this week and we're tentatively scheduled to have the new roof installed at the end of the month. Not very often do you win something for being the very worst. I'm just really glad we didn't have Calgary's 2nd worst roof! If anyone here in Calgary needs a new roof they should have the lovely people at Guns and Hoses roofing do it, seriously I love them.

October 4, 2010

9 months

.... and a couple days. Really this is just and excuse to post pictures of this darling little boy. He is busy BUSY, is crawling like a mad man, walking with his walker, biting with his 2 new teeth, and I'm loving watching his little but BIG personality emerge a little more every day. If only we could run away to never never land and he could stay my baby forever! I cherish every day and feel truly blessed to have him as my son.
This is after repeatedly trying to rock him to sleep, finally I gave up and put him in the jumper and he was asleep within minutes
Baby Skeletor
Best dollar I ever spent
At the zoo. He LOVED the butterflies.
Backyard fun
He LIVES for the bath and water time. He'll crawl into the bathroom during the day just to try and get into the tub.

September 26, 2010


True love, can you see it? I'm thinking a summer wedding of 2033 sounds good. Keep your calenders open!

September 25, 2010

Love these two!

September 8, 2010

So long summer time...

It's officially been 10 weeks since I've spent a night in my own home. What does this mean??? A couple of things:
  1. That I'll be really grateful to be back there, hopefully this weekend!!
  2. That I owe a big thank-you to all our friends and family who have so graciously allowed me to stay at their place
  3. That my husband is overworked and underfed with no wife there to feed him
  4. That I don't want to pack, live out of, lift, or even look at a suitcase for a really long time
  5. That this summer has been one continuous holiday it seems!
Here's a summer picture summary. I apologize for the overload but if you didn't want to see the pictures you probably wouldn't be here anyways!
I spent a week in Seattle at my fabulous Aunt Marni's. She talks, looks a little like, thinks, and even wears the same PJ's as my mom so I love being there, for the opportunity to spend time with her (and her fam) and for the physical reminder of how great my mom was. This is my cousin Callie who is 15 and should be a supermodel.
Pikes Pig!
Don't you just want to squish that face?!
Next stop was Sandpoint, Idaho with all the Bowden clan, which we've done for as long as I can remember. (Sorry I'd flip this picture but I just don't know how to from here)
My G-pa and G-ma are the greatest ever. Seriously. Mr. Smith standing over my Grandpa's famous, to die for, homemade root beer.
Magrath days! Petting zoo, kid races, Snowbobs, parade (minus the deadly water balloons which are now banned due to the Dahls), beef on a bun, visiting with family and friends, town fireworks, family fireworks, who could ask for more!
Watching the fireworks
Sunday in the Balderson's yard
Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Balderson!
Just for the record I don't approve of this but Carter loves it
All tuckered out after the big day
There were plenty more fun activities around Calgary and Lethbridge that I've left un-photographed such as barbeques with friends, zoo trips, waterton trips, a day at Park Lake, splash park visits and what not. Oh summer time how I'll miss you....