May 1, 2011

Better late than never

I love holidays.  I love getting together and spending time with family and I love that holidays always seem to include a delicious meal. 

 Carter reaping the benefits of whipping the cream
PS Mike dressed Carter and took him out to play in the morning while Trev and I were cooking. I looked at the window to see Carter running down the alley (with Mike) in a t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops!  Don't worry that it was all of 5 degrees out. 

 THE HAM.  This was my first time cooking a ham on the bone and I'm not going lie - it tasted awesome.  All you need is my brother Trevor (the MAN when it comes to meat) telling you exactly what to do.

Pies.  I really should have taken a picture pre-meal and one that included the family but it just didn't happen.  It was fun having my brothers up and Julie and her crew are always entertaining to have around.  Carter ADORES her boys.

 The morning of.  I was so elated when Carter actually figured out the whole chocolate trail thing that the "Easter Bunny" had left and followed it all the way to the living room.

 With his goods.  Of course all he cared about was the truck.

What a stud.  I had every intention to sew an adorable green hounds tooth bow-tie to go with his purple Easter shirt.  But a week later the fabric still sits in my ever growing pile of things to make, hem, and mend.  I will make it eventually and post a picture.  Hope all your Easters were great!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great Easter! I love his little tie! I am sure you can finish the bow tie by next Easter, that is a good goal to have, ha ha!
