A while back Mike dropped our cell phone in a Urinal at school ..... Yes, you read that correctly, a URINAL at school. Fortunately it died (because there was no way I was touching that thing again). Well since we had gotten the phone on a contract, Mike bought the cheapest replacement phone he could - which we've used for the past 3 years. The phone worked sometimes, sometimes not, the keypad didn't light up, and it pretty much was a reflection of what is cost.
Well Mike came home the other day with a new i-phone. I was little mad until I realized how nice it is to have a cell phone that actually works and one that has a bunch of gizmo's to boot. The following pictures are taken with our fancy smancy new phone! I stayed with Julie's boys over the weekend as she gave birth to the newest Smith addition (More info and pics to follow on the little one!) These 3 boys are crazy and have a riot together and I'm sure the new munchkin will fit in perfectly!
Sorry most of these are blurry, they really never stopped moving for long enough to get a decent shot!
Love all the crazy boys, and congrats to Julie can't wait to see pictures.