July 29, 2010


What I'm doing right now goes against everything I believe in ... that is posting without pictures.... but what can you do about it when you are homeless - which is what I am right now. Seattle was fabulous, Idaho was crazy and fun, and Magrath Days was good times as usual (posts to follow on all of these) but unfortunately my month of travel is over and I'm back to reality and that reality is a house where all our belongings (furniture and all) are piled into our bedroom and covered with plastic. Sooooo someday when I have my computer to use again (and hopefully a bed to sleep in) I will upload all the vacation pictures I took, which are primarily of Carter, and blog again.


  1. I am so glad that you are home. I wish that you actually had a home to live in so that we could play all the time in these last bits of summer, but I don't blame you for taking off again. Just remember you always have a home in my basement!

  2. We'll be in the same boat soon... movings the worst, but hopefully it all goes smoothly for you. Glad you had such a fun month of travel!

    We miss you guys and will check in on you soon. Until then, good luck!

    P.S. Carter is GORGEOUS. Just adorable in every way. Not that I'm surprised in the least...

  3. Hope you're surviving in your house renos.
