Check out these legs.... seriously could they be any cuter! My lovely sister (who was over this week to help pack up the house) pointed out the fact that on adults massive thunder thighs aren't a desirable thing, but on BABIES they are to die for. So Carter I hope you keep your chubby thighs for a while because I LOVE THEM.

On another note we went down South last weekend for May Long and had a fun filled time. It was great to leave the city and some of the major stresses we've had lately behind (primarily the new house - or I should say
really old house - and everything it's going to entail) if even only for a weekend. Some of the highlights were visiting my brothers in Taber, seeing my other brothers 100 year old house in Lethbridge for the first time, lunch with my G-ma and G-pa, temple trip, family photos with the Baldersons, seeing Seth interact with Carter, getting together with old high school friends one night, riding the quad around town with mike to the Dahl's bonfire (don't worry Carter wasn't on there with us), and a visit to Waterton. I didn't take a ton of pictures but here's a couple I did manage to shoot.
Carter all bundled up in Waterton
We move this monday - WISH US LUCK!
I agree with your sister, nothing better than a pair of thunder thighs on a baby! I love them so much and I love him!