I love this kid.
I can't believe that his second birthday is only a few months away. Wasn't it just yesterday that he was born? Here's what the little man is up to:
- This child goes non-stop. His energy is endless. I wish there was someway we could harness it and use it to run our household appliances!
- He loves story books. We usually need to read about 15 before he'll go to bed. His current favourites are "Each Peach Pear Plum", "Going On A Bear Hunt", and "Little Blue Truck".
- He'll play strange for a minute or two and then if your nice and pay attention to him he'll be your new best friend.
- He's a great sleeper and goes to bed like a dream (for now anyways!)
- His vocabulary is still quite limited but he makes up for it in facial animation and vocal intonation. The new word of the week is NO to which he answers most everything. If his answer is yes (which he can't say yet) he laughs and smiles (which I much prefer - ha!). I'm hoping he'll skip right into speaking sentences. He does regularly ask "wheritgo?" while shrugging his shoulders and raising his cute little chubby hands palm up.
- He loves bathes. and unfortunately splashing.
- He's a great cuddler.
- He loves playing with other kids and especially all his cousins.
- His appetite is exactly like his dads. He loves treats, isn't very interested in regular food, and would live off of an entirely liquid diet if I'd allow it.
- He thinks it's a riot to be naked. When we go to change his diaper he'll hop up and run around like a mad man laughing hysterically at himself in the nude. I really hope he outgrows this.
- Still completely and utterly obsessed with being outside. No matter what the temperature is. Mike and him were outside jumping on the tramp last night in the dark (and cold) and yup he was only in a diaper and was loving it.
- He has the cutest dimples in the world and is already a little stud.
Love you to bits little man!