I feel so blessed to have a sister. Particularly MY sister. She has always been a friend, someone to look up to and admire. Nearly daily our "quick" phone calls to ask a question or make a comment turn into hour long conversations. I love that I have a person who I can share with the most important of things and the most trivial of things. It's so comforting to know that I always have someone in my corner. Someone who is so willing to lend a listening ear, to offer encouragement when needed, and to talk me into good decisions and out of foolish ones. It's so nice to have someone who understands exactly how I think (even if she doesn't always agree!). Someone who will always laugh at the same joke. I think when Heavenly Father decided to take my mom home early he knew I'd be OK because I had my sister. Really sometimes I feel bad for people who have more than one sister because I wonder if the bond is the same. I'm so grateful for MY sister.

PS Go check out the awesome Video
here that her and her hubby made and vote for them to win a trip to Paris!
PPS If any of my lovely brothers read this (which I'm pretty sure they don't), I love you too!